What Are SEO Texts and How to Write Them Correctly?


SEO texts are materials and articles created taking into account the principles of search engine ranking. They always respond to specific search queries and contain specialized occurrence of keywords, LSI. What are these materials created for? In order to promote the site in the TOP of search engine results.

What is the difference between regular text or an article and SEO text?

An ideal SEO text should be written not only in accordance with the requirements of search engines on the Internet, but also be useful to the reader. That is why, when writing the material, additional attention is paid to literacy, structure and originality of the presentation of the material. It is important to analyze the articles of competitors in order to bring more clarity, “new” emotions and useful knowledge to your material.

People who write SEO texts are called SEO copywriters. They are responsible for the process of writing optimized articles, following a defined structure. But let’s talk about everything in order.

How search engines changed the requirements for SEO texts


Useful and high-quality content can increase site traffic, expand the client base, increase sales and the popularity of the portal. A correctly composed SEO text has:

  • logical structure;
  • an overview of the material is available;
  • uniqueness;
  • the presence of requests;
  • optimal level of nausea and wateriness.

These signs were formed over the years of development of the Internet and search engines. At first, only the presence of words on the page was evaluated. Search engines worked like a catalog or filing cabinet. Therefore, pages with a large number of words with user queries were in the first positions. In order to win more customers, site owners saturated texts with keywords to the point that they became “difficult” to read and stopped carrying useful information.

Peculiarities of algorithms in search engines

By the end of the 1990s, the first Google PageRank algorithm appeared. PR is an algorithm for calculating the authority of a page, or a numerical value of the importance of a page used by a search engine.

It was used to evaluate the relevance of a page based on the information in the text and the number of links to the page. The new stage of promotion with links helped to improve the quality of delivery. However, site owners were trying to get more links, and text optimization continued to focus on robots.

In the early 2000s, websites were still full of text with lists of key queries. In 2003, Google introduced the Cassandra and Florida algorithms, which reduced the level of spam pages and sites. Hidden links and texts harmed resources. This forced specialists to review the features of SEO texts.

Brandy’s first smart algorithm was released in 2004. He took into account the semantic variety of the material, distinguished between synonyms.

The Google Panda algorithm of the 2010s divided the world of SEO texts into before and after, since the main function of the filter was to evaluate the quality of the content of sites. Paying attention to various parameters, such as literacy and punctuation, the level of uniqueness, nausea and water in the text changed the search results of sites, thereby helping to increase the interest of users in quality content.

Further steps in the development of search robots included:

  • Ability to identify thematically similar search queries and offer them to users;
  • Implementation of requirements for uniqueness, as it has become a strong ranking factor;
  • Expanding the dictionary of the search engine, the ability to distinguish singular and plural queries;
  • Reducing the number of long and unstructured texts. Algorithms began to reduce the search results of pages with voluminous texts, therefore more attention is paid to the structure;
  • Reduction of sites with non-unique content. Interest in increasing uniqueness grew, mass rewriting began;
  • Fighting texts that no one reads. Search engines have learned to determine engagement during a site visit;
  • Development of filters to reduce the number of texts with a large number of keywords;
  • Punishment for using spam in texts, meta tags, domain name. In order to get out from under the filter, it was necessary to create the most unique material;
  • Introduction of a system of analysis of the general meaning, rather than individual words;
  • Running an algorithm that demotes pages or the entire site for spam or unnatural word combinations.

The accelerated pace of development and implementation of neural networks allowed search engines to better evaluate the content of the site and its environment, comparing information with data on user behavior.

How to write SEO text with high ranking

SEO-optimization of texts is a complex process, the effectiveness of which depends on which page in the search engine your site will be on. If you want your SEO article to rank well in search engines, then you need to follow a specific plan.

Highly optimized SEO copywriting plan:

  • Find and analyze a hot topic in the market among your niche;
  • Study the materials of competitors in your field and analyze the presence of key phrases in their articles;
  • Collect a semantic core for future material;
  • Write the content of your article;
  • Write a draft version;
  • Fill the article with key queries;
  • Check the SEO text. When the material is ready, it is necessary to check the presence of basic parameters;
  • Publish an article, be sure to share it in social networks;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness, analyze the site and page against the background of competitors.
  • For analysis, Webpromo experts often recommend using Google Analytics, PPC, SEO, CRO tools.
The ideal SEO text should meet user requests, not contain water, provide complete information, relevant to the topic, contain the optimal number of key phrases and words, clear and unique content, as well as literacy.

To make it easy for the user to read the text, a good article has a logical structure.

They start with the H1 heading, gradually creating a hierarchy with the help of H2-H6. This is followed by an introductory part, where the author briefly describes the content of the article. This block is composed in such a way as to attract the reader and stimulate him to read the material to the end. This is followed by a structured text with paragraphs and simple sentences. The article is supplemented with references from modern studies, laws, thematic appendices.

For easy perception of information, proposals are drawn up in lists and tables, and at the end they summarize, supplementing it with a call to action.


How to conduct an SEO text analysis

SEO analysis of the text consists of checking for uniqueness, nausea, wateriness and other parameters. Such information is provided by online anti-plagiarism services and SEO analyzers.

A popular program for displaying the uniqueness of an article is text.ru. It checks the text for uniqueness, calculates the norms of 80-90%, the amount of spam within 30-60%, water up to 30%.

Istio and Advego services allow you to perform SEO analysis of texts. The services recommend following such parameters as water content within 30-60% and nausea up to 7%. Advego has functions of uniqueness check and semantic analysis online. You can check the articles for classical and academic nausea.

Basic requirements for writing Top SEO text

How to write SEO text correctly will be easier to understand if you study Google’s requirements. Previously, it was believed that SEO is not a text, but its successor. But it was a long time ago when search engines did not know how to effectively evaluate the quality of the material. Specialists threw in a draft with the text, highlighted words in bold and the site went to the top. Keywords were placed in a list, not caring about its logic in the text.

Now Google and Yandex evaluate the site according to hundreds of parameters. Convenience, navigation, useful material and other points are important. Marketers, programmers, specialists who know exactly how to write an SEO article correctly work on the content.

Today, with text that does not meet the requirements, the site will be sanctioned by search engines or banned. It will be demoted and it will end up on pages that users wouldn’t normally reach. In case of serious violations, the page will not be visible, even in response to the most precise user request. After all, now SEO-optimization of the text is an important stage of creating high-quality content and successful promotion of the resource.


Search engines now require:

  • Content quality. If the goal is sales, then the SEO articles on the site should “sell”. For example, if the title promises to tell about the rules for choosing the right size of shoes on the Internet, and the text tells only about existing sizes and manufacturers, then the topic is not disclosed. Search engines will not block it, but they will not allow it to occupy high positions. If the article is aimed at attracting sales, the texts should arouse interest, the desire to get acquainted with the assortment and buy the products. Therefore, you should not spam with obvious information: “We offer quality goods on favorable terms and at affordable prices.” It is better for potential customers to learn more about the features of your product and its advantages.
  • The logic of the presentation. Before writing the SEO text for the site, you need to make a plan and plan the structure. If the author does not express his thoughts consistently, then search engines, and especially users, will pay attention to this.
  • Low number of spelling mistakes. If the copywriter writes “what”, “little” and “will do”, the algorithms will not miss it. Even if the topic is fully disclosed in the text, the structure is perfect and the logic is followed, it will not get to the top of the search results. In the English-speaking Google, which understands the Russian language imperfectly, some errors may pass by the robots. But Yandex is good at noticing errors in Russian sites and the site will quickly lose its position.
  • Lack of water. The article should be useful, so it is important to keep an eye on the minor content of unnecessary words. To reduce the percentage of water, the volume of the text is often sacrificed. It is not enough just to remove unnecessary words, it is worth analyzing the behavior of users on the page and choosing links to useful resources, adding videos, illustrating the material with high-quality photos.
  • High percentage of uniqueness. SEO articles are, first of all, unique content. Inexperienced users who are just starting to promote the site often think that it is enough to copy someone’s quality articles and publish them on the site. However, this should not be done.
  • Non-unique information falls under the filters and will not be ranked as a result. Search engines detect plagiarism very quickly and punish content theft. However, no one forbids using the practices of top sites and creating articles with a similar structure, headings and other elements. You should not try to achieve 100% uniqueness, because in some topics it is impossible to do without losing resource positions.

These rules will make it easier to understand how to write SEO texts. After all, requirements change regularly, writing a text requires a choice of style and construction logic. For authors, the most important thing is to be able to convey information to future clients. Therefore, SEO also includes the analysis of customer preferences, but does not negate the importance of the basics.

2 thoughts on “What Are SEO Texts and How to Write Them Correctly?”

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